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Why Your Company Needs to Switch to VOIP Phones
July 22, 2021

When you run or manage a business, it can be difficult to keep up with technological changes. Whether you're trying to decide whether to purchase refurbished Chromebooks over new ones or simply choose a teleconference provider, all the options must be weighed. To go with a subpar contract or lackluster technology could mean headaches in the future, so if you're still using your same old phone service, you should consider upgrading to Cisco IP phones today.

Because of COVID-19, 76% of businesses are planning on long-term IT changes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Switching to digital phones such as Cisco IP phones is a great choice in terms of IT hardware because they offer so many more benefits than traditional technology. By taking a look at the many ways that they could change your business for the better, you'll be able to make the best decision for yourself and those around you.

Significantly Lower Costs

When you're thinking about switching to IP phones versus traditional phone technology, your main benefit is going to be significantly lower costs. Traditional phone technology requires an engineer from a third-party organization to come in and establish a physical telephone line connection that may end up being expensive. If you make long-distance or international calls with this line, you will absolutely not want to see the bill afterward. Because Cisco IP phones and others like it can be set up in-house by an IT professional, all you need is the best internet connection available to you and you're ready to go. Making long-distance or international calls is a piece of cake, and is literally a fraction of the costs that traditional operators would give you.

Limited Data Usage That Doesn't Suck Bandwidth

One concern that managers and others have is how much bandwidth Cisco IP phones and others like them will suck up during a call. Since independent studies have confirmed that many phone calls are composed of silence, IP phones have revolutionized the technology world with voice activation detection (VAD) that compresses the silence as data and keeps it from taking up too much precious internet space. During times of silence, your IP phone will be sending less data than when you're talking, making sure that voice-to-voice calls are efficient uses of your time and bandwidth so that employees can still be connected.

Access Multimedia Content With Ease

Perhaps one of the more interesting things about Cisco IP phones and others like them is that they can transmit multimedia content. Regular telephone lines can only transmit audio across long distances, but IP phones can handle conference calls, video calls, and other types of meetings where video and audio stream at the same times. Legacy telephone systems simply don't compare, and by getting a comprehensive IP phone system you will be eliminating redundant technologies by melding many technologies into one package.

Fully Mobile and Ready to Go

If your business is doing more remote work than ever before, you simply need Cisco IP phones or similar technology. Unlike with traditional phone technology, in which you would need to physically set up your employees with phone lines, IP phones allow you to simply log into your system's web interface and be ready to use any compatible phone to be ready to go. This gives you a wide range of choices to make when it comes to setting up remote offices or work environments. Large organizations will find it easy to scale their communications up or down with ease when it comes to using IP phones instead of traditional technology.

Out With the Old, in With the New

When it comes to traditions, phone technology is not one that you want to keep around. With the new Cisco IP phones, you will get far more functionality out of them than your existing phone systems. Not only are they fully mobile and ready for remote work, but they allow you to access multimedia content and won't suck up your enterprises's bandwidth. This translates into lower costs overall, but with better performance. When you're ready to see what IP phones can do for you and your business, be sure to contact Arcas Technology today!

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